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Sunday, March 30, 2014

Custom Rom ics untuk galaxy mini (GT-S5570)

Selamat siang gan,
Mumpung lagi santai nih, dari kemarin sibuk ngurusin laporan kerja praktik jadi q selangin waktu buat  share custom rom ics 4.0.4 yang udah stabil nihh.
Oya sekedar informasi buat agan2 yang mau nikmatin bbm bulan depan setelah dirilis sebaiknya pake rom ini,karna denger2 bbm bisa work di android minimal ics gan.
Langsung aja nih disimak.
Changelog :

V 1
Initial Release
Based on latest 26/04 AOSP
Completely themed like Galaxy S3
Galaxy S3 sounds
Galaxy S3 launcher
Galaxy S3 bootanimation
Galaxy S3 Icons
Galaxy S3 Memo
Galaxy S3 Video player
Galaxy S3 Rosemary font
Stock Touchwiz keyboard
Touchwiz Taskmanager
Battery themed
White statusbar clock
Themed dialer
In-call buttons themed
Touchwiz Filemanager
Themed MIUI Music player
Settings fully modded
Green overscrol animation
Default wallpaper changed
All system apps themed
Notification Drawer pulldown image
and many more to come in next update
V 2
updated to latest 30/04 build by paul
galaxy s4 icons
galaxy s4 sounds
galaxy s4 default wallpaper
spinners/loading indicators themed
check boxes themed
circle selectors themed
phone app completely themed
settings completely themed
camera app completely themed
power menu icons themed
quick settings app updated
wifi icons themed [need some more
work on this -_-]
data connectivity icons themed
input touch color changed to original
s3 color
better memory management though
no gapps since rom already 110 mb :/
some force close fixes
and everything from first update
and more to come in next update
V 3
system settings header changed
bubble sms/mms mod
usb mass storage images themed
contacts fully themed
fixed contacts app header distortions
new default wallpaper
wifi and signal indicators should be
themed..please test and report since i
dont have wifi facility
navbar icons themed
browser fully themed
new wallpaper chooser app
notification clear button themed
fixed clear button [in V2 it was
some theme improvements
gapps included
fixed some force closes
apollo music player
removed SMemo and polaris office
deleted some useless stuff
quick settings app updated
V 4
tabbed settings with swipe to switch -
tabbed settings fully themed
integrated performance control app
from aokp cm10.1 into settings
integrated navbar enabler into settings
integrated dsp manager into setings
integrated reloaded ics control into
wifi icons improved
reloaded ics mod FULLY themed
wifi icons
data icons
battery icons
all toggle icons themed
clear buttons themed
notification drawer settings button
polaris office removed
no gapps for this release
many more to come in future
V 5
Updated to 25/05 final AOSP ICS
all native tethering services fixed
using my own kernel
many new i/o schedulers
new governor - smartash3
new boot logo
OTA update feature included for future
notification widget date color changed
notification widget settings button
color changed
removed reloaded ics
power toggles included
integrated lbe security app
integrated sms counter app
integrated OTA updater app
integrated power toggles app
fixed contacts search
fixed google search
apollo with aosp music player
many more to come in next release
Download and push the ROM to SD
Reboot to Recovery Mode
Select Wipe data and cache
Select install zip from sd card
Select choose zip from sd card
Select the new ROM
Select Yes - Install update
Wait until the Installation is finish
Select Wipe data and cache
Select Wipe cache partition
Select reboot system
Download DISINI

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