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Saturday, March 29, 2014

custom rom cross a8t

TouchWiz ROM


1. Based on Rom SAMMOD 007
2. Added samsung apps
3. Added TW Calculator
4. Added TW Calendar
5. Added TW File Explorer
6. Added TW Messenging
7. Added S3 lockscreen
8. Added Samsung Keyboard
9. And Many More




Fix Statusbar Close


1. Lockscreen double
2. Messege not suport 2 sim
3. And Many More

Solution lockscreen double
1. disable locksreen s3 in setting menu and  turn it on when it would be on display for samsung owners.     
     hahahahhha.... :D

Root your phone.
Place the above file to your sd card (NOT IN ANY FOLDER!!!)

Switch off your phone.
Go to Clockwork mode.
Use the volume keys to move up and down.
Wipe data and cache and Dalvik cache.
Now choose: Install zip from sd card.
Choose "yes"
It will be Installed. Now reboot your phone. First boot will take time. Be patient.
If you have followed EVERYTHING above carefully, you will soon boot up to your new rom.
Please wait until media scanning is completed.

JusTunBean V3 full JB theme



  • Based on CROSS _A8T_14A, but compatible with any version!
  • Totally Dark and Light Jelly Bean themed.
  • Each and every icon fine tuned to look like Jelly Bean.
  • A new Jelly Bean task manager ( Recent apps list).
  • New Apollo music app ,
  • New Jelly Bean Digital Clock, analogue clock, and Key Lime Pie Search Bar.
  • New smarter JellyBean keyboard.
  • Extented power menu: Now those long processes are long no more!
  • Improved memory management.
  • Full Screen Caller Mode: Now see your friends in FULLSCREEN while calling them.
  • New  bootanimation.
  • More cool addons available under "JusTunBean Addons" below!
  • Enjoy!!!!


  • Search not working in playstore and browser
  • issue with font color
  • and any more..



  • Root your phone.
  • Place the above file to your sd card (NOT IN ANY FOLDER!!!)
  • Switch off your phone.
  • Go to Clockwork mode.
  • Use the volume keys to move up and down.
  • Wipe data and cache and Dalvik cache.
  • Now choose: Install zip from sd card.
  • Choose
  • Choose "yes"
  • It will be Installed. Now reboot your phone. First boot will take time. Be patient.
  • If you have followed EVERYTHING above carefully, you will soon boot up to your new rom.
  • Please wait until media scanning is completed.
  • Enjoy!!!


 JusTunBean Addons :

Megabas with dark theme

Megabas with Light theme


setelah lama gg nulis di blog karena banyak kegiatan yang menguras tenaga dan pikiran..
akhiranya baru sekarang sempat untuk mulai main di blog lagi dan ni post kedua saya pada bulan ini,,, dengan basic masih sama seperti sense-sense seblumnya kali ini saya membuat hampir 75% UI mirip sense 5 UI.

kelebihan rom ini :
1.full sense 5 UI
2.include htc sense 3,5 music
3.include sense 4 keyboard statusbar.apk setting.apk contack.apk launcher

kekurangan :
1. bringthes setting fc cuma bisa muter saja gg bisa buka playlist dan widget
3.dan masih banyak

issue :
1.TV di saya bisa tapi mbak adinda coba sampai 3 kali tetep tidak bisa
solusi :
pecahkan sendiri

CARA INSTAL seperti biasa lewat CWM
NB: habis boot masuk menu setting/langue dan keyboard trus pilih theme sense4

Addon :
HTC Coneck
HTC Note move ke system/app
Task Manager move system/app

JusTunBean V2

masih sama seperti versi beta kemarin tetepi ada sedikit penambah fitur baru...
1.remove all HDPI icon system apps dan framework
2.statusbar FC with face detection keyboard
5.statusbar semi transparant
6.remove data trafix
7.add rebot,recovery dll di power menu

Silahkan Dicoba.. Bertampilan keren..!!

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